Friday, March 6, 2015

Fashion Mission: Thrift Store Edition

     I came across a video recently called "How To Shop At a Thrift Store." The video was an episode from Cosmopolitan's show called Fashion Mission. The show stars two fashion bloggers named Lindsey Calla, who has been in another video I've posted, and Karen Blanchard. The episodes involve different fashion challenges that Blanchard and Calla are assigned to take on. 
     In this specific episode their assignment is to design an outfit for a blind date. The challenge is that they're only allowed to spend $50 at a Goodwill. The video does an excellent job showing the process and strategy they use while surfing the racks and selecting what items to purchase. 
     The one thing they mentioned that stuck with me was that when you're shopping at a thrift store you shouldn't be paying attention to the sizes. The reason for this is because the racks are filled with a mix of items from different years so size really doesn't mean much. Plus you can always use the money you'll be saving and spend it on tailoring the clothes if they're a little too big. Overall, this video was very upbeat, enjoyable and definitely incorporated some good lessons about thrift shops! 

 CLICK HERE to Watch Episode


  1. Sounds like a fun challenge to do with friends! Size in any retail store should be taken with a grain of salt because they vary greatly, and some stores intentionally augment their sizing ranges for profit.

  2. I actually have watched this video as well. Cosmopolitan always has interesting fashion videos! Like Sam said, this would be so much fun to do with a group of friends before a night out or something!

    1. I would definitely do this with a group of my friends especially if they don't go thrifting that often. It's a challenge I wouldn't hesitate in accepting.

  3. The sizing advice is so true. Often I'll pull a couple shirts or dresses that feel like completely different sizes just because of when they were made
